"When we keep and abide in the Word of the commandments to love God and other people, our hearts are delighted. We are bold in our hearts. We have peace in our hearts. And God’s glory and grace fill our hearts abundantly.
Still, we should caution ourselves so that there is no one who leaves God’s love and instead falls in love with a person who is not yet born-again out of one’s zeal to live by the commandments of loving God and other people. Those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit should love others spiritually and properly. If we fail to do so, we will fall in fleshly love too passionately with those who have not yet realized this Truth.
There are times when our insufficiencies reveal their realities even after our being born-again and while we are trying to abide in God’s commandments. Do we not often fall short before God and other people? We surely do. Because even we the born-again are lacking, we sometimes commit sins.
It’s always good to read about the baptism Jesus received, by which He took all our sins onto Himself. Because all my sins that bother my conscience have been transferred onto Jesus through the laying on of hands of John the Baptist when he baptized Jesus, my faith is emboldened instantly any time I read this passage of the Bible.
We keep committing sins till the day we die. However, all those sins have been transferred onto Jesus. Weren’t your sins transferred? Yes, they were transferred when Jesus was baptized at the Jordan River. If your sins were transferred to Jesus already, do you still have sins or not? You no longer have any sin. When we say that all our sins were transferred, which time period are we talking about? Doesn’t the Bible say that all the sins of the world were transferred onto Jesus? If all the sins of the world were transferred onto Jesus, were not all the sins of our entire life transferred onto Jesus as well?
We are without any sin and can stand with confidence before God because all our sins that we have committed and will commit until the day we die were transferred onto the head of Jesus."