the new life mission

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Free Yourself!

United Kingdom · Sarah · 697 day
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"The Truth is One, Not Many!"

"The eyes of man are never satisfied". I must admit, I felt these words over this Christmas period. I'm sure many have. 

God knows us so well! Obviously, because He created us. So, we should not assume that we already know ourselves, but rather, we must come to know our true selves from God’s perspective seeing as it is He who created us. To do that, we have to go to His Word, the Bible. And this is also the correct way to know God, through His written Word, and not by any man-made doctrines of religion. (Mark 7:8-9)

There's a worldly saying that goes; "The truth hurts". However, God’s Word says, "The truth shall make you free". (John 8:32).

You see, everything from above in God’s domain, is the opposite to the domain of this world, here below. Also, the consequences of believing in either domain's words are different. If one believes in every word of God’s domain, (The Holy Bible), the consequence is the receiving of the remission of sins, eternal life, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the ability to enter Heaven and live with God for eternity. But the consequence of not believing so, is to remain sinful, be judged for that sin of disbelieving God’s Word of truth, (blasphemy), and be punished to burn in hell for eternity. (Matthew 12:31, Romans 6:23)

So, the very first step in coming to know ourself correctly according to God’s Word, is of extreme importance and urgency. (Considering the fact that any of us could die at any given moment). (Luke 12:20)

And it is only when we come to the knowledge of who God says we truly are as human beings, and we believe so from our hearts, that God will then reveal Himself to us along with the Truth that sets us free. (Jeremiah 9:23-24, Hosea 4:6, John 8:32). In a nutshell, all this is the gospel of the water and the Spirit. This is the gospel that God gave to all of us to believe in and to thereby be saved. (John 3:5) And, it all begins by us knowing and believing what God tells us is our true, fundamental, sinful nature.  

(Luke 5:32, Mark 7:20-23, Psalm 51:5, Romans 3:10-19)

Once we believe who God says we are as descendants of Adam, through whom sin entered the world, then our response must be that of repentance, knowing that the wages of sin is death and realizing that as such born sinners, we are born heading straight to hell. This is all in the perfect plan of God’s salvation for us. God is love. God is just. God is perfect. 

(Genesis 3:21, Romans 11:32,  6:23)

True repentance is to admit to God that our very own criterion is sin, that we have broken, and are totally incapable of keeping any of His 613 Holy Laws, perfectly, and are thus guilty and deserving of hell. (Luke 5:8) We must confess that we have believed in Him, His Son and salvation, totally incorrectly. (Philippians 3:8, Acts 22:4)Then we must ask God for His mercy, knowing that if God doesn’t save us, we simply cannot be saved. (Romans 5:17, Acts 4:12). It is when we are honest like this before God, (Proverbs 28:13) that He reveals His Word of Truth of salvation to us. (John 7:38) And the moment we believe in it from our hearts, we are instantly saved from all our sins, past, present and future sins! (2 Kings 5:14 ). God also gives the free gift of the Holy Spirit to all who wholeheartedly believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. (Acts 2:38) 

This my friends, is the Truth that makes you free. It doesn't, as the worldly saying goes, "hurt" us. Rather, it literally sets us free! Free from sin, free from judgement and condemnation and ultimately, hell! Why? How? Because it IS the Truth, that Jesus Christ came by water and blood to save us all from all our sins. (Matthew 1:21, 1John 5:6-8, 1 Peter 3:21). "By water," means the baptism Jesus received from John the Baptist was the most fitting way for all our sins to be passed onto Him in the River Jordan.  (Matthew 3:15)

"By blood", it means the death Jesus suffered for being judged for our sins in our place, and His precious blood shed on the Cross made atonement for them. (John 19:30, 34)

"The Spirit" means that Jesus is God, and He rose from the dead after three days. The Spirit  bears witness to this  Truth being in the hearts of whomever believes in it, and He also bears witness to it before God. The Holy Spirit seals these believers as God’s own sinless children. God approves and accepts the correct faith of the water and the blood of His Son in the hearts of the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. They can never be seen as a sinner again by God because they have believed the truth that has set them free. (Hebrews 10:18)

But as the worldly saying goes, the truth will most certainly "hurt", indescribably, in the never to be quenched fires of hell, whosoever rejects it for themselves, refusing to believe in it. (Matthew 10:33, 12:31)

The choice to believe and the choice not to believe in the Truth, is entirely ours alone, and this includes the consequences of our choice. (Deuteronomy 30:19)

I pray you choose to believe in the Truth from above that will make you free, and not the "truth" from below that will surely "hurt" for eternity in the eternal fires of hell. 

God bless you

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    Sarah(Sarah) ∙United Kingdom
