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Los Porteros del Templo
Muchas personas, quizás como vos o como yo en nuestros lugares de trabajo ocupamos un puesto de poca jerarquía,(en mi caso soy un humilde portero de escuela) o quizás si sos mujer y trabajas en alguna labor secundaria, o tu labor es ser ama de casa, pienses que Dios necesita para hacer crecer su Reino y ministrar su palabra personas más import...
Are You Desperate?
(Mark 2:4-5)How desperate must this paralytic and his friends have been, to go to such lengths to reach Jesus? And did it pay off? It most certainly did! It paid off above and beyond their wildest dreams or imagination! Not only was the paralytic healed of his physical ailment, but Jesus told him that He had forgiven his sins! That's right! All his...
Deception or Truth?
Today in the UK, is known as April Fool's Day. On 1st of April, many people who engage in the practice, tell a lie about something or someone, and whoever believes it, are later that day, or the next day, told they've been an "April fool", as what they had been told and believed, had actually been a lie! Some people find April Fool's Day, fun, whi...
Meet Jesus with My Gospel of His Baptism and the Blood
Sometime ago, more than 10 years ago, I, too, belonged to the world. I was head over heels with all the affairs which this world could give me. I indulged myself with the filth and spills of a hopeless life. But thanks be unto the Almighty God. Ah! Him alone—through meeting Jesus with His gospel Word of the water...
Be Sinless in 2023 to Eternity!
A truly Happy New Year, having all your past, present and even future sins blotted out as white as snow from your heart and conscience before God, is yours for the taking! All you have to do, is BELIEVE how Jesus did this already, over 2,000 years ago! Matthew 3:13-17Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.&n...
Free Yourself!
"The Truth is One, Not Many!""The eyes of man are never satisfied". I must admit, I felt these words over this Christmas period. I'm sure many have. God knows us so well! Obviously, because He created us. So, we should not assume that we already know ourselves, but rather, we must come to know our true selves from God’s perspective seeing as ...
Today of All Days Do Something
Happy Christmas to all my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ ...