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Genesis II - Fall of Man and the Salvation
Reverend's book 2 on Genesis continue to inspire us, with the events in the life of Adam and Eve. - The Fall of Man and The Perfect Salvation of GodI hope to cover important passages in the mentioned book, so that anyone reading this book review would be able to ruminate on the Word of God. Most passages are copied directly from the book to ...
NÃO EXISTE AMARRAÇÃO COM ANJOS E NEM COM UM SER ELEVADO - Os anjos de luz não forçam ninguém a ficar com ninguém, não mudam os rumos de vida das pessoas por causa de nenhuma encomenda feita nem manipula por um capricho pago, NÃO interferem no livre arbítrio. Um anjo não causa tormento a ninguém, eles respeitam a vontade de Deus.CAB...
Llevando al oyente una palabra de fortaleza
Pertenezco el ministerio literario Misión Nueva vida de Argentina comparto mi reflexión sobre el presente y nuestra actitud ante la vida como cristianos ante las dificultades que se viven.lectura de un libro y comentarios personales...
-L'ÂGE DE L'ANTÉCHRIST, DU MARTYRE, DE L'ENLÈVEMENT, ET DU ROYAUME MILLÉNAIRE ARRIVE-T-IL? (I)-Frères et sœurs,Nul autre évangile n'est vrai que celui de l'eau et de l'Esprit, l'évangile de la rémission du péché et de la réception de l'Esprit-Saint. Remplis de péchés, je ne pouvais comprendre le sens du livre de l'Apocalyps...
One Man's Righteous Act, The Saving Truth for The Fall of Man
Warm greetings to everyone. What happened at the Oscars this 2022 in the US? Will Smith smacked Chris Rock following a joke by Chris Brown on Will's wife, Jada Pinkett, losing her hair on her head—due to a rather clinically diagnosed syndrome. In my own opinion, after separately reading the testimony of salvation by one pastor from South Korea a...
Only Jesus Christ had solved the problem of death for mankind.
From the ancient times to now, humanity has been trying to solve the problem of death. From kings to the ordinary people, all human beings have tried everything to solve the problem of their death. There was, however, no one on this earth who could solve this problem, but only Jesus Christ could give the correct solution to this intractable proble...
Nothing can be omitted from the works of God ♥︎
Nothing can be omitted from the works of God. Some people only believe in the blood, saying the apostle Paul boasted of nothing but the Cross. But the baptism of Jesus was included in His Cross.We can see in Romans chapter 6 that Paul was baptized into Christ and died with Christ. And also in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with C...