In this world, the expression “being born again” is easily found in everyone’s mouth. However, being born again of water and the Spirit is not accomplished by a human means. It is a spiritual concept implying that a sinner becomes a righteous child of God by receiving the remission of their past, present and future sin through faith in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. (John 1:11-13)
The problem is that there are many who believe that one has to experience signs and miracles to be born again. Some others still think that one has to do a lot of charitable works. But this is not what makes one born again. To be born again we must know our true sinful nature that cannot help but sin until death, accept that we are destined for hell for our sins and turn away from our own thoughts and instead believe only in the salvation that Jesus fulfilled through His baptism, death and ressurection. ( 1John 5:6-8)
God is so holy and He hates sin so much that He was willing to send His Son into this world to expunge all our sins. Thus, God sent His Son to this world, who received the baptism from John the Baptist by which all the sins of humanity were transferred onto Himself. God then had His Son receive all the judgments for our sins by being crucified to His death on the Cross. That was the gift of salvation, which is the love of God, which is one believes and confesses their faith in, makes one born again of water and the Spirit with a sinless heart before the Holy God.