Aneka(Aneka) ∙United Kingdom
Hoy 293 / Total 236738-
For everyone, life on this earth is just too short. Repent and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
Just as the sun rises and falls everyday, the short journey of our lives ends too quickly, fruitless and meaningless, as if we had been running like a squirrel on a treadmill. If you subtract the trivial rounds of your daily life, such times spent while sleeping, eating, going to washrooms, and doing other such mundane things, from your whole
16 diavistas 87 comentarios 0 -
If you come to think that the gospel of the water and the Spirit is true, then do not hesitate any longer and accept it into your hearts.
This Truth is the very fact that the Lord has saved you and me perfectly from all our sins through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. When we hear the Word of the gospel of the water and the Spirit which is the Truth, we must first go through the process of verifying it in our hearts whether it is the true gospel or not. We must examine it in
16 diavistas 80 comentarios 0 -
Have you ever passed all your sins over onto Jesus?
Have you ever passed all your sins over onto Jesus? I have no doubt that you believe in the blood of the Cross. But the question is whether or not you have ever passed all your sins over onto Jesus Christ through faith in the Word of His baptism. Although you clearly believe that Jesus was crucified, resurrected and ascended to Heaven, you will st
16 diavistas 89 comentarios 0 -
"The Lord Who Has Given Us Blessed Life"
Hi, This is a review of the book entitled, "The Lord Who Has Given Us Blessed Life" Sermons on the Gospel of John. By Paul.C.Jong Given the choice, I believe everyone in this world would want to receive blessings from the Lord rather than being cursed. Even nonbelievers seek after common blessings such as health, wealth, and happi
63 diavistas 345 comentarios 0 -
To disbelieve is not a privilege. To believe is the real privilege and power!
The greatest misconception that people have is the notion that it is somehow their own privilege and authority that they don’t believe in Jesus as their Savior. God made clear that those who did not believe in Him would be destroyed. Even though everyone knows how fast time flies, not everyone realizes they are living with some imaginary power th
117 diavistas 651 comentarios 0