Loren Simons(Loren) ∙United Kingdom
New Life
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We are only born to be born again of water and the Spirit
We must believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, and this involves the following beliefs: First, the belief that He is the Son of God; second, the belief that He forsook the glory of God and came to this earth in the flesh of man to deliver sinners from sin; and third, the belief that He accepted all the sins of this world once for all in the Jordan
68 diaVisualizações 427 comentários 0 -
Jesus Christ and John the Baptist
If John the Baptist was the greatest of all those born of women, then he was greater than Moses, Elijah, the Prophet Isaiah, and the Prophet Daniel. He was the representative of all mankind. He was the spiritual High Priest who would pass our sins onto Jesus Christ. He was the last prophet of the Old Testament era. When John the Baptist baptized Je
72 diaVisualizações 462 comentários 0 -
Are you like Esau or Jacob?
Why did God hate Esau while He loved Jacob? Romans 9:11, “The purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls." Whom did God call? He called people like Jacob. He calls those who are inferior, cowardly, and contemptible, those who, though they believe in God, have nothing of their own to boast. It is these whom
96 diaVisualizações 592 comentários 0 -
Everyone must believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit
Everyone must believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit before he returns back to dust. As we were all made from a handful of dust, so shall we all return to dust. That’s because when God made us, He made us with a handful of dust and His Word. The forever-unchanging Truth never disappears. No matter how far science might progress, no matte
101 diaVisualizações 559 comentários 0 -
There is No Good in Human Beings
No one is fundamentally virtuous. That is why it is said in the Bible, “There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one,” (Romans 3:10-12). God is saying to all people, “You are a lewd
110 diaVisualizações 686 comentários 0