Since Japan is Buddhist country, my physical family uses incense sticks and worships Buddhist altars. I want to save my family and spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit to Japan, even if I spend a lot of money. For example, if I have 50 million yen (about 500000 dollar), I want to spend all those money for saving all the lost souls. If I do so, then my family and many people will be saved. It doesn't have to be that expensive, but what we have is what God has already given us. If I offer my possessions for the gospel, God will give me even more blessings. This is the heavenly secret.
It's a good news! Through the website, some Japanese people seems have downloaded e-books and audiobooks. I pray that many souls will be saved in Japan and around the world. I want to be more and more involved in the work of the gospel. Because the work of saving the souls by faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit should be the most precious and valuable. Knowledge is just knowledge. Faith is much more important than knowledge. I sincerely hope that all righteous people in this world will see their hearts and live before the presence of God. I entrust my life to God. May God lead the righteous to the right path.
zurückMise en garde de Dieu en ce qui concerne la seconde venue de Jésus !Bemerkungen 1
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