(Mark 2:4-5)
How desperate must this paralytic and his friends have been, to go to such lengths to reach Jesus? And did it pay off? It most certainly did! It paid off above and beyond their wildest dreams or imagination! Not only was the paralytic healed of his physical ailment, but Jesus told him that He had forgiven his sins! That's right! All his sins were forgiven him then and there, in an instant, blotted out as white as snow!! (Isaiah 1:18).
This glorious account in the Bible is just one of many, teaching us, that it is only those who are in desperation over their sins and their wages, hell, whom God meets with the gospel of the water and the Spirit that blots out our sins instantaneously when we believe it! It's the people who don't pretend to be something they're not, but rather, are honest about their predicament of not being able to do anything of themselves to solve the problem of their sins; not by daily prayers of repentance, attending church or trying to be virtuous. They are spiritual paralytics. They know and believe that only God can save them, and that if He doesn't, they will end up in hell.
So, if you, reading this post, are also a spiritual paralytic, desperate over the problem of your sins that are piling up in your heart and conscience despite the fact that you believe in Jesus, then please just open your Bible and go to www.bjnewlife.org
There you will read all about the true gospel of the water and the Spirit; how Jesus has already washed away all your sins once and for all by accepting them onto Himself by the laying on of hands baptism He received from John the Baptist! (Matthew 3:15). That Jesus then had to atone for those sins of ours by shedding His blood on the Cross. (John 19:30, 34). And finally, that Jesus resurrected from the dead and ascended back to Heaven after having perfectly completed our salvation from sins, judgment and hell! Hallelujah! All that's left for YOU to do, is believe in this Word of Truth of salvation that was foreshadowed in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament! (Leviticus 16:21, 34, Matthew 3:15-17). How simply amazing is this? How loving is God toward us sinful descendants of Adam, through whom sin entered the world and through whom we were born into this world as inherent sinners who could not help but sin constantly?! Judgment and hell were all that awaited all of us! (Romans 5:12, 6:23)
So, I hope and pray that you are desperate over your sins that you can do absolutely nothing about, and take the simple steps advised by going to the website and start reading the FREE Christian ebook 1 with your Bible. This will be taking the necessary leap of faith like the lengths that the paralytic and his friends took, in uncovering the roof in their desperation to meet Jesus.
God bless you