Our salvation from sin was not obtained by adding even the slightest bit of our own virtuous deeds, not even 0.001 percent.
It is purely by the work of Jesus Christ alone that all the twelve sins inherent in our hearts and all the sins we’ve committed with our acts have been washed away, John 1:29,
"The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"
It is, in other words, because the Lord accepted all our sins onto His own body at His baptism from John the Baptist and was punished for them on the Cross, that the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit have become born again of water and the Spirit and received our perfect salvation.
Although human beings may proclaim to practice virtue in relative terms, they cannot practice absolute virtue. Socrates was not a Christian, but he did leave one of the most famous dictums: “Know yourself.” Like this dictum, we must be able to see our true selves first. If we know ourselves, we will realize that we are indeed hell bound sinners, and we will come to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit the Lord has given us. We will then receive the blessed grace of the Lord and His love even more in abundance, and reach Heaven. God’s love and His blessings are not received by attending a church service, kneeling down or praying, while having no interest at all in finding out about our true selves, and are instead still deluded into believing that we are good people. Do you grasp this?