The greatest misconception that people have is the notion that it is somehow their own privilege and authority that they don’t believe in Jesus as their Savior. God made clear that those who did not believe in Him would be destroyed.
Even though everyone knows how fast time flies, not everyone realizes they are living with some imaginary power that they dont actually have. Everyone must therefore be freed from such delusions, realize that they will be judged unless they believe truly in Jesus, turn around and have faith in Him. People must become ‘servants of the gospel’ rather than its persecutors, obey God rather than disobeying Him, live by their faith in Jesus rather than trusting in their own power, and change their mindsets so as to live for the benefit of others rather than just for themselves. Don’t you all agree?
Jesus took the sins of humankind onto Himself irreversibly in the most proper way through the baptism He received from John the Baptist. He has saved us justly and fairly. Because of our sins, we had to die, but to save people like us, Jesus had to come to this earth accepted all the sins of the world by being baptized, and was ultimately crucified. He has saved us by dying in our place. None other than this is the righteousness and justice of Jesus. He has saved us justly and righteously. (Matthew 3:15).
If you don’t realize this Truth, and don’t believe in Jesus Christ who came by the gospel of the water and the Spirit, then don’t delude yourself into thinking that you have some sort of power. If you do this the day will surely come soon when you beat your chest in regret. Taken from -