No one knows when this world will disappear. We don’t know when new heavens and a new earth will arrive. We don’t know exactly when our Lord will return. However, what is clear is that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and it is our Lord who made this earth, created mankind, and blotted out all the sins of this earth. Hebrews chapter 9 says that when the Lord returns, He will take away all those who have nothing to do with sin (Hebrew 9:28). The Lord will come for the second time to take us away, who are apart from sin, for we believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The Bible writes clearly that Jesus took away the sins of the world.
In the New Testament, Jesus accepted our sins by being baptized, and He was condemned on the Cross in our place. Jesus came to give us new life through His baptism and the shedding of His blood. Jesus is the Savior who has delivered His people from their sins. He came to this earth to blot out all our sins by being baptized and by shedding His blood. In this way He has indeed eradicated all our sins. As Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, bore the punishment of sin on the Cross, died and rose from the dead again, He has become the God of salvation for all those who believe in Him.