Loren Simons(Loren) ∙United Kingdom
New Life
Today 63 / Total 151495-
There is No Good in Human Beings
No one is fundamentally virtuous. That is why it is said in the Bible, “There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one,” (Romans 3:10-12). God is saying to all people, “You are a lewd
205 dayviews 1247 comments 0 -
The Gospel of the water and the Spirit
Did John the Baptist bear our sins? No. Did he save us? No. Through John the Baptist, we receive the knowledge of salvation that Jesus bore the sin of the world at His baptism, died on the Cross and rose again from the dead to save us. We get to receive the remission of sins by knowing what John the Baptist did and believing in Jesus Christ.
225 dayviews 1421 comments 0 -
John the Baptist
Most Christians today regard John the Baptist as just an ordinary servant of God who passed by Jesus. They only think he was God’s servant who lived a very frugal life just as they are now. It is true that he was God’s servant, but he wasn’t just an ordinary worker. We need to remember what John the Baptist witnessed: How Jesus Christ took away our
227 dayviews 1493 comments 0 -
There is no Goodness in Human Beings
People are fundamentally evil, but they still try to carry out virtues in order to disguise themselves. However, trying to cover their evils with a tiny virtue is like trying to cover up the sky with the palm of a hand. Human beings are themselves filthy and obscene, and so how can we say that people are virtuous? What goodness is there in human be
237 dayviews 1714 comments 0 -
The Blessed Gift
God’s righteousness is the truth that cannot be obtained by human efforts or deeds. The gift of God’s righteousness was as follows: You and I were people who were destined to enter eternal destruction, but our Savior Jesus Christ, took over all the sins through His baptism, given by John at the Jordan River. He then bore all of the sins on His back
248 dayviews 1764 comments 0