We are saved from all our sins that we are born in, inherited from Adam, and God's judgment of hell for them, by believing the righteousness Jesus fulfilled when He received all our sins onto Himself by the imposition of John the Baptist's hands in the Jordan River.
(Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5, Mark 7:20-23, Romans 6:23, Leviticus 16:21, Matthew 3:15)
This righteous act fulfilled between the representative of Heaven and the representative of earth, made God the Father "well pleased". Why? Because in that moment, God's plan and will to save humankind from sin enabling believers to become His own sinless children who would live with Him eternally in Heaven, was perfectly executed.
(Matthew 3:15-17)
This one third of God's plan of salvation foreshadowed in the Sacrificial System in the Old Testament, was the catalyst for human beings to be washed clean of all the sins of their hearts and consciences. With this righteous work, Jesus' baptism, the other two thirds of God's plan of salvation would ensue; Jesus' blood being shed on the Cross as the Lamb of God who bore our sins through baptism, and His rising from dead again, Him being God. (1John 5:6-8)
All these three righteous works of Jesus, His baptism, crucifixion and resurrection, were and are, totally void of humanity's will or effort. Our own input in other words, was, nor is, required or relevant to what God had planned even before creation and fulfilled over 2,000 years ago. It is therefore essential that we do not deceive ourselves nor be arrogant in trying to attain salvation by our own works. To do so would be an affront to God and if insisted on to death, would result in being sent to hell ultimately! Our own works are things such as daily repentant prayers, trying to live up to God’s Law, piety, good deeds, tithing etc. None of these, our own works, were involved in the water, blood and Spirit of Jesus Christ which brought salvation to mankind.
What IS required of us in order to attain perfect salvation, is our belief and faith in the three righteous works that Jesus fulfilled and completed to perfection when He was on this earth; His baptism to receive all our sins, His crucifixion whereby He was judged in our place and His blood was shed to atone our sins, and His resurrection from the dead again after three days, and His being God. Believing and having faith in this unconditional love of God our Savior alone, is precisely what is required of us to be saved. Nothing of us ourselves. By believing correctly like this in accordance to the Scriptures is how we are born again of water and the Spirit and are sealed by the Holy Spirit as God’s own sinless children. The Holy Spirit bears witness to the truth of the water and blood of Jesus in our thus sinless hearts. He convicts us of our perfect and eternal redemption. This is the only way God has given us to have our sins blotted out as white as snow and which in turn permits us to have a good conscience toward God.
Please visit this website with your Bible. You will learn all about the beautiful gospel God gave us to believe in and be saved; the gospel of the water and the Spirit. (John 3:5)
God bless you.
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