These are the reality and facts
Fact: God cannot entertain sin, nor can even touch it, for He is a Holy God. He said, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy” - (1 Peter 1:16). Light and darkness cannot coexist together.
Reality: Main stream Christianity does not believe in God correctly, nor do they believe that He is
in fact a Holy God who demands we become holy as He is Holy. They teach many untruths, saying, God actually holds sin in His Holy hands, that is, that He held all our sin in His hands and passed them to Jesus while He was crucified on the Cross.
They twist and distort all of Scripture, like they do to this account of the crucifixion, changing the Bible, making it say what they think it should say. They have moved the ancient boundary stone set by the fathers. A very serious sin.
Christianity also denies salvation God set at the
beginning where sin was passed to a sinless, or unblemished animal by the
sinner in the form of the laying on of hands (Leviticus 4), and only then could it be killed shedding its blood. Later God changed this method of salvation where the
earthly High Priest on the Day of Atonement had to stand in as the people's
representative and pass all their yearly sin to a sinless live goat in this exact same way, that
is, by laying both his hands on its head - (Leviticus 16). We see this method again in the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist - (Matthew 3:13-17), both a direct mates. What God has set He sets, it cannot be changed. Its a forever ordinance for you, a statute forever.
But Christianity nowadays have changed salvation which God had set and have followed after the sin of Jeroboam. (2 Kings 3:3).
This is the reason why Christians are
sick and dying, and the church becoming a useless organization filled with sinners unable to receive
salvation. Furthermore, its become a mere 'religious organizational business' with its pastors the
Fact: The true 'message of the Cross' according to the Bible encompasses and includes salvation
which God set long ago, and it remained so. And, Jesus even announced this gospel of
the water and the Spirit when He was on the earth - (John 3:5; 1 John 5:6-11).
But Christianity having rejected this truth,
even trampling it underfoot, and in arrogance have created a religion of their
own making - apart from God. They indeed stubbornly are following after the sin of Jeroboam.
For this very reason the righteous are again preaching this true
gospel God talks about of the water and the Spirit to the whole world,
and all who hear, listen, obey and believe in it with all their hearts will surely receive His
love and the perfect salvation.
Jesus words are indeed coming true who said, 'Many
are called but few are chosen.' If you wish to be chosen then its a matter of course that you have the gospel God talks about in your heart. So when God looks at you He sees the testimony He gave of His Son who came by the water, the blood and the Spirit written on the tablet of your heart - (1 John 5:6-11).
Grab your Free Christian Book Today that preaches this gospel God talks about.
Phil Grahn
The New Life Mission