Do you know God’s righteousness and believe in it? Or are you trying to serve God with your own righteousness, attempting to keep the Law?
The function of the Law of God is to render judgment according to the rule that “the wages of sin is death.” Because this is a statute, regardless of who might be standing before the Law, if he has sin, there is no way he can avoid death. (Romans 3:20, 6:23).
What every sinner wants and yearns for is to be washed from all their sins and enter Heaven. That is why Jesus came to this earth and was baptized by John the Baptist, to blot out, all at once, the sins of all the sinners living on this earth. Because Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, this world's sins were taken away from the people of this world and were passed onto the body of Jesus. It was thus fitting for Jesus to fulfil all the righteous works of God by being baptized in this way.
Subsequently, instead of us being judged to death for our sins, Jesus was judged to death because of our sins He received when He was baptized by John the Baptist. And after dying on the Cross saying, "It is finished!", Jesus resurrected from the dead again after three days.
(Psalm 51:7, Matthew 1:21, 3:15-17, John 1:29, 19:30)
It is by believing in all these three righteous acts of Jesus Christ; His baptism (water), death (blood) and Spirit (His resurrection and His being God), we can be saved wholly from all our sins once and for all. (1 Peter 3:21, 1John 5:6-8).
To learn more about the one true God-given gospel of the water and the Spirit, please open your Bible and visit this website where you can read Biblical sermons, FAQS and download any of the 66 Scripture based ebooks and audiobooks for absolutely FREE!!!
(John 3:5, 8:32, Matthew 10:8)