From the ancient times to now, humanity has been trying to solve the problem of death. From kings to the ordinary people, all human beings have tried everything to solve the problem of their death. There was, however, no one on this earth who could solve this problem, but only Jesus Christ could give the correct solution to this intractable problem. ♥︎
Our Lord said in John 12:24, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” Jesus said this in reference to His own sacrifice. The reason why Jesus was sacrificed was because He had shouldered the sins of the world by being baptized by John.
The reason why Jesus said here that He would become a grain of wheat was because now, once He is crucified and rises from the dead again, He could enable many people to receive eternal life by believing in Him as the Savior, for He had already received the baptism that passed the sins of the world onto Him. He said this because if He does not fall on the ground and die, He would remain as a grain, but once He is crucified, shed His blood and die, and rise from the dead again, He would solve the problem of death for many people and enable them to receive eternal life. Had Jesus who was baptized by John not shouldered the sins of the world, not died on the Cross, and not borne the condemnation of death, everyone’s problem of the remission of sin and death would forever have remained unresolved.