Many people think that even without the baptism given by John the Baptist, it was okay for Jesus to do the work of salvation by Himself and that He actually did so. However, Aaron the High Priest freed the people of Israel from their yearly sins by passing these sins to the scapegoat through the laying on of his hands and by putting it to death according to the sacrificial system set by God in the Old Testament. Likewise, since Jesus Himself came to this earth as the Lamb of God, He absolutely needed for John the Baptist, a descendant of Aaron and the representative of mankind to pass all the sins of this world onto Him.
Therefore, Jesus carried out the work of salvation that fulfilled the righteousness of God together with John the Baptist according to the sacrificial system of the Old Testament. Jesus Christ accepted the sins of mankind once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist, shouldered the sins of this world all at once, died on the Cross, rose from the dead again, and has thereby become the perfect Savior of believers.