We must confirm God's law that sin is transferred onto a sacrifice by means of the 'laying on of hands' before the sacrificial animal was killed. It's a very important truth. You can find so many expressions like "laying hands on the head of the sin offering" for the transference and remission of sin throughout Leviticus. See Leviticus 16:21.
The earthy high priest performed the laying on of hands to transfer sin onto the sacrifice. The sacrificial system was the 'shadow of the good things to come' and had to fulfil the follow three components to be accepted as a lawful sacrifice for the remission of sins. They had to-
(1) Prepare a sacrificial animal without blemish.
(2) Lay hands upon the head of the burnt offering to transfer the sin onto it.
(3) Kill (to bleed) the sacrifice to atone for his sin.
In the New Testament, John the Baptist was the descendant of Aaron the high priest; the greatest man born of a woman who passed the sin of the world to Jesus when He baptized Him in the Jordan river.
The next day, John testified, 'Behold!, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.' (John 1:29)
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