Our Faith in the Post tribulation rapture makes it clear that we are truly prepared to faithfully serve our Lord in his Holy Presence throughout Eternity and we do not mind loosing our lives here on Earth for the sake of His Kingdom ,He even promised that those who will loose their lives because of Him will find it more abundantly and in Glory , with faith in the gospel of the water and the spirit we grow up to become more like loyal soldiers living and dieing only for our Lord for we do not become as the others who are only cowards and would give up on their faith even during the times of the rise of the Anti-Christ persecution against the Holy People of God.
Even at the point of death that many "so called Christians" who did not build their faith on the true primitive gospel of the water and the spirit will deny the Lord Jesus at the point of death to save their own lives because they do not know the true foundation of Salvation With our Faith in the gospel of the water and the spirit,we are sure to stand firm and to boldly embrace even our Martyrdom just like the Apostles and the other Early Christians.
Believers in the Pre -Tribulation Rapture are only fearful believers and hypocrites and are bound to loose their faith in the rise of the Anti Christ because they expect to be raptured before the Anti-Christ and not go through the test of their Faith,they are scared when they hear about all the horrible things the Anti-Christ shall make the Holy people of God to go through
Good and loyal soldiers always fight with their lives at stake until the point of their death and we honor them after their death,Let us continue in Faith to run the race of which we have been called in order to win the prize of Glory prepared for us in the Heavenly Places ....AMEN