God gave us the gospel of water and the Spirit, so that we will be able to deny whatever our fleshes wants, and follow the Lord. If you do whatever you want in your life after being born again of water and the Spirit, you are not a servant of God. Not following the orders of the Church of God, in other words, living a life based on what you think means that you don't have God in your heart. There are no exceptions. Because such people who do not have God in their hearts leads the degraded lives. By faith, we must deny whatever our fleshes wants. This is the greatest difficulty of the life of faith, and the way to the Kingdom of God. This is what I wanted to tell you.
Those who do not believe in the Kingdom of God will consider how to live happily in this world. This is the wide gate.
Again, I ask you about this. which do you wanna go the narrow gate (the Kingdom of God) or the wide gate (Hell)?