The Lord wants to give the gospel of the water and the Spirit to those who seek mercy from God, crying out from a sincere heart, “Lord God, show mercy on me. I want to live an upright life after being born in this world and I have tried and resolved in myself to do so, but I have continued to commit and fallen into sins constantly. I now know that I am deserving of judgement in Hell. Lord, how did you save me from all my sins?”
The Lord did not come to this world to call people who thought they do not commit any sins and those who try to live a holy life in their own strength. Rather, the Lord came to this world in order to call and give true salvation to all those who admit that they cannot keep the Law of God in their hearts or by their deeds.
These such people know that they always need the grace of salvation that was accomplished by Jesus who received the judgment on the Cross because He had taken all our sins upon His flesh by being baptized by John the Baptist.
These people rejoice continually despite their many weaknesses because they have believed and always confess their faith in the righteousness of God that saved them from deception and the judgement that was due.