Today in the UK, is known as April Fool's Day. On 1st of April, many people who engage in the practice, tell a lie about something or someone, and whoever believes it, are later that day, or the next day, told they've been an "April fool", as what they had been told and believed, had actually been a lie! Some people find April Fool's Day, fun, while others find it wrong and irritatingly stupid.
Why am I talking about this? It reminds me of the biggest lie that Satan has told and which the majority of Christians and even non-Christians alike, believe and actually accept as the "gospel truth"! But they all need to be told that they are "April fools"! And it's only those who have been born again of water and the Spirit who have been told by God Himself, the Holy Spirit, that the well-known, and worldwide accepted doctrine of prayers of repentance being how one’s sins are forgiven ... is one of the biggest LIES that Satan the Devil has spread! And his sole purpose in spreading this lie is because he knows full well that daily prayers of repentance is NOT how one’s sins are forgiven! So, whoever believes in this lie to the day they die, means that that person will have been born into this world as a sinner and died as a sinner, never having had all their lifelong sins blotted out as white as snow as God had made possible for every human being through the gospel of the water and the Spirit brought to us by His Son Jesus Christ! (Psalm 51:5, Mark 7:20-23, Matthew 1:21, John 3:15.)
Dear reader, you who know that you have sin in your heart and conscience before God, do not die in your sins! You will end up in hell for eternity if you do because no sin or sinner can enter Heaven! (Romans 6:23).
God wants us all to come out of the deception of Satan and his false doctrines of prayers of repentance that do absolutely nothing to solve the problem of your sins! (That’s why you repeat them over and over and over! The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over, yet hoping for a different result!). Prayers of repentance for the remission of sins is not of God! No! It originated from the Nicene Creed.
But God who is perfect, gave us His perfect salvation that saves us perfectly from all our sins once and for all! That is perfection! That is the unconditional and unfathomable love of God! He loves us so much, dear reader, that He came to this world in the flesh of Man to save us from all our sins, Himself. He didn't wait for us to ask Him, He had already planned to save us before we were even created! (Genesis 3:15,Romans 5:8).
God’s plan of salvation He fulfilled perfectly by seeking out John the Baptist who He had sent to this world 6 months prior, to make the paths straight for Him. (Matthew 3:3)
John the Baptist baptized people who went to him, confessing their sins. The people who knew deep down that they had sins, couldn't help sinning, and knew they could only be saved from their sins and the punishment for them in hell, only if God, their Messiah would save them. And to these people who were poor in spirit, John baptized them, telling them that the Messiah was indeed coming to save them from their sins. (Mark 1:7).
And, as prophesied, Jesus went to John the Baptist and Jesus told him to baptize Him, and that by doing so, it would "fulfill all righteousness". Once John the Baptist understood this will of God, he indeed baptized Jesus by the laying on of hands, and as the representative of mankind and earthly high priest, transferred all your sins, my sins, and every human being's sins, from Adam to the last baby to be born, onto the head of Jesus, submerging Him under the waters of the Jordan River. In that very moment, all our sins were taken from us, and passed onto Jesus, the Lamb of God, just as it was foreshadowed in the Sacrificial Law in the Old Testament. And this righteous act that fulfilled all righteousness, pleased God the Father so much! And He said from Heaven, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!" (Isaiah 1:18, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:29, John 19:30)
Hallelujah dear reader! You too should be well pleased! By believing in this Truth, it is how you can be freed from the deception of the Devil and his false teachings that have held you captive in your sins for all this time! Believe in the Truth that God is telling you now, and be made sinless in your heart and conscience before God and become His sinless child, never to be seen or known as sinner in His eyes ever again!! (John 8:32, 1Peter 3:21, 1John 5:6-8)
Now, you have been told the truth; the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is entirely your own choice to choose to believe in the Truth and be perfectly saved from your sins, receive the free gift from God of the Holy Spirit that He gives to those who believe in the water of Jesus (the baptism Jesus received to take away all our sins), His blood (death on the Cross) and Spirit (Jesus is God and He resurrected from the dead). By having this correct faith according to the Scriptures, you will have escaped judgement and hell, and will instead be able to enter Heaven!
Or, you can choose to remain in the deception of Satan’s doctrine of prayers of repentance, as a sinful fool, to face God’s judgement and be fully qualified to be thrown into the everlasting fires of hell for refusing to believe in the Truth.
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God bless you