Peace and Grace belongs to you O Lord my God. Please help me to have a bold faith that will reach me to the end O Lord my God, Faith strong as a Nazarite, faith that portrays the fullness of thy Love O Lord. The faith that spreads thy righteousness to all people regardless their worldly positions and status, Yes Lord, the faith that sees within the heart whether it has sin or not. The faith that will continue to hold on to thy baptism, death and thy resurrection O Lord my God. Help me call out to the lost souls, shouting loud in perseverance; Come you reason with the Lord (Isaiah 1:18) you who are lost and engulfed in your sins, come you meet the Lord who is the only Savior who came by the water of His baptism, blood of His death and by the Spirit His resurrection for you to be cleansed from your sins., and have a privilege to enter the eternal Kingdom of God with pure, blameless hearts Amen.