How Much Sacrifice Did the Lord Make on This Earth to Save Us, Who Were Destined for Hell, from All Our Past, Present and Future Sins?
God the Father planned our salvation in Christ beforehand. And to fulfill this plan, Jesus was born on this earth incarnated in the flesh of man, bore all the sins of the human race by being baptized by John the Baptist, and died on the Cross. All these things that Christ did for us, from His incarnation to His bearing of our sins and His crucifixion, were the sacrifices that the Lord made to save us.
The very fact that this holy Jesus accepted all the sins of this world onto His body through His baptism is itself a sacrifice, just as it was in self-sacrifice that the Lord was spat upon by the Roman soldiers, they slapped His face, stripped, mocked, and whipped Him forty times less one until His whole body was soaked in blood. A crown of thorns was also put on Jesus’ head and the soldiers struck it with a reed. As a result, Jesus’ face was covered in blood. Jesus was then crucified by having both His hands and feet nailed to the Cross. And as He took His last breath, Jesus said, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) Moreover, Jesus rose from the dead in three days after being buried just as He had promised. Like this, it’s by sacrificing Himself that the Lord has saved us from all our sins through the water and the Spirit.