God’s thinking is way beyond our thinking because His IQ is infinite while ours is only 100 to 200 and He Himself is the Truth. How perfect is He? Jesus left the throne of Heaven and was born from the body of the virgin Mary to clothe Himself with human flesh in order to save humanity from all their sins. He took all our sins upon Him by receiving the baptism on His body from John the Baptist. Then He carried the sins of the world to the Cross, shed all His blood on the Cross, died, and then resurrected from the dead. That is how Jesus saved us. How deep, wide, and perfect is this salvation? It is so perfect that the length and the height of such love are difficult to measure. Our Lord was born to this world in human flesh and took the sins of the world upon Him all at once by receiving the baptism in order to blot out all the sins of humanity. Then, we have no other choice other than believing in this fact. How perfect is the method of salvation that the Lord has fulfilled for us!