Aneka(Aneka) ∙United Kingdom
Hoje 110 / Total 245822-
Sinners must have the knowledge of sin first of all.
We need the right knowledge of sin according to the word of God because we can only receive the forgiveness of sins when we know about sin. Human beings sin so many times from the time we are born regardless of whether or not we want to. (Mark 7:21-23, Genesis 6:5) For human beings who are inherent sinners; for us to sin is as natural as an
272 diaVisualizações 2141 comentários 0 -
Is your desire the same as the Lord`s?
If anyone wishes to be washed from all their sins, God has enabled all to be saved once and for all believe believing that our Lord took away the sins of the world through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and payed the price for our sins with His death on the Cross. God has open the way for inherently sinful human beings, who`s only d
278 diaVisualizações 1670 comentários 0 -
If anyone lacks belief in one of these three facts, that person’s salvation is incomplete.
The Gospel of the Water and the Spirit Is the Word of Witness That God Has Delivered Sinners from All Their Sins ❤️ As the Bible says, “There are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one" (1 John 5:8). There are three witnesses to the fact that God has delivered us all who were once
305 diaVisualizações 3059 comentários 0 -
Behold! The lamb of God who takes away the sin of the WORLD!
Before God, we must believe that the word of the baptism of Jesus and the word of the blood He shed on the cross constitutes our salvation as written in the Word of God, "This is He who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ" (1John 5:6) We must believe that Jesus shouldered the sins of this world once and for all by being baptized by John according
310 diaVisualizações 3019 comentários 0 -
Do you really want to pass your sins to Jesus Christ?
If you still believe in Jesus as your Savior based on the Word of His crucifixion only, while disregarding the truth that He was baptized to take away the sin of the world, then every time you commit a sin in this world, this sin will seize your heart and thoughts. Your life of faith will ultimately turn into a hypocritical religious way of living
310 diaVisualizações 2889 comentários 0