Our hearts must be circumcised, the cutting off of our lifelong sins - (Romans 2:29).
Only through faith in the correct knowledge of salvation can we be truly saved – (John 3:3-5). In the Old Testament the Israelite's were saved through (1) circumcision and (2) the blood of the Passover which was painted on the foot of their entrance door and its lintels – (Exodus 12).
In the same way, those who
believe (1) in the baptism of Jesus (circumcision) and (2) His blood as their
salvation are not afraid of the judgment of God because it will Pass over them.
But the judgment of God will surely fall on all those who do not take this
truth into their hearts. There are many people who believe in Jesus, but their
faith is in vain, for they have become slaves to their sin. How have they
arrived at such a state? Why do they still suffer from sin?
It's all due to
them not knowing the knowledge and truth of the baptism of Jesus and His shed
blood. They have been taught to believe only in the blood of Jesus omitting or
overlooking Jesus’ important baptism by John the Baptist. Is salvation
obtainable through simple belief in just the blood of Jesus only? Does the
Bible in its entirety tell us that this is so? What does the Old and the New
Testament say about this? According to the Bible, it's not just the blood of
the Lamb of God that saves us, but also the baptism of Jesus that salvation is
achieved perfectly. Jesus indeed came by the water, the blood and the Spirit to
save us - (1 John 5:3-6).
Without this true faith you
will remain in your sin, and so, be judged for sin in the end – (Romans 6:23).
Why would you do this when you can get them all solved away TODAY?
“Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does
not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit” - (1 Thessalonians 4:8).
The truth of the water and
the Spirit is found in all our Free sermon books, you will not hear it preached in any
Christian Church. It’s therefore our deepest prayer and wish that you order the Free printed books or download the e-Books without delay.
Meet this God given truth and be set you Free from all your sins, and enter
into the kingdom of God as the one made righteous.
Get your sin solved away today!
Phil Grahn
The New Life Mission