The Gospel of the Water and the Spirit Is the Word of Witness That God Has Delivered Sinners from All Their Sins ❤️
As the Bible says, “There are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one" (1 John 5:8). There are three witnesses to the fact that God has delivered us all who were once sinners destined for hell for the wages of our sin (Romans 6:23).
The witnesses to our salvation from our sins are that Jesus the true God took the sins of this world upon Himself by receiving the baptism from John the Baptist, that He paid off all the sins by shedding His precious blood on the Cross, and that Jesus resurrected from the dead. Our true salvation is based on the three facts that Jesus came to this world by receiving the baptism and by shedding His blood on the Cross and by the Holy Spirit in order to deliver the sinners.
If anyone lacks belief in one of these three facts, that person’s salvation is incomplete.