A true shepherd rolls away the stone and has the sheep drink from the well. A false shepherd is a person who does not roll away the stone and is not able to give the living water of the well. Nevertheless, in this world today, there are many more false shepherds who do not remove the stone that is covering the well, and they just tell the sheep to “take care of it yourself” by keeping the Law and offer many repentance prayers etc...
Everyone, you and I included, must differentiate properly between the true good shepherds and the false shepherds.
A true shepherd does not only place the Law before the sheep; explaining that the reason God gave the law was for us to have the Knowledge of sin, but he also teaches the righteousness of God, revealing that we are saved because Jesus bore all our sins upon His own body by receiving His baptism from John the Baptist in the Jordan River.
By this teaching, the sheep can be free to drink the living water and have the resolve for their problem of sin throughout their lives by faith the Word of God (Matthew 3:13-15, John 1:19).
The true shepherds then lead these new saints to become workers of righteousness so that they can help others to become born again through faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit as they hold onto the truth that Jesus was baptized over 2000 years ago to wash away the sin of the world.