We should always remember the fact that we all were born as inherent sinners who were destined for hell without Jesus. (Romans 5:12)
We should therefore meditate on and centre our hearts on the truth that Jesus received baptism from the High Priest John the baptist to recieve our all sins onto His body as He was the prophesized sacrificial lamb of God. (Leviticus 16:21/Matthew 3:15, John 1:29)
We should always be greatful that Jesus received our sins upon His body through baptism, and because of this righteous act, He bore the condemnation of death on the cross instead of us who deserve it according to the wages of sin. (Romans 6:23, John 19:30)
We should now, no longer trust in our righteousness which is like filthy rags but instead hold fast to the righteousness of God, that Jesus fulfilled at His baptism, confess it before men and thank Him always!