(Luke 7:1-10)
This account in the Bible that God had recorded about the Centurion's faith is to show us that it is only those who acknowledge that they were born into this world with 12 kinds of sins in their heart and are therefore inherently sinful beings who can do nothing but commit sin continuously in both their actions and thoughts whether they want to or not, who can come to meet the Word of Truth and be saved (Psalm 51:5, Mark 7:20-23, Romans 5:12). Such people are honest about their sinful predicament to God, and acknowledge that they ought to be judged to death and be sent to hell, as they believe God’s Word that says "the wages of sin is death" (Proverbs 28:13, Romans 6:23).
Such honest people are the "poor in spirit" (Matthew 5:3).They know full well that they are totally incapable of doing anything of themselves to save themselves from their sins. (Romans 7:19, 24). They believe wholeheartedly that only God alone can save them and that if He doesn't, their certain destiny is hell.
These people fear God, revere Him and believe every word written in the Bible is true. God teaches us this also through the account in Matthew 8:5-10. Like the centurion, they believe wholeheartedly in God’s spoken and written Word, that whatever He says is true and will definitely come to pass. All who have been born again of water and the Spirit all have the exact same faith. They will all tell you unambiguously that they had zero input into their salvation, that all they did was believe in God’s Word that tells us precisely how God Himself saved us from all our sins wholly by coming to this earth in the flesh of a man, Jesus. That He sought out the man whom God had sent before Him, John the Baptist in order to be baptized by him. (Malachi 3:1, Luke 1:76-77). This was the most fitting way in which God had preplanned to have all of our sins be transferred from off of us, and onto Jesus, by a laying on of hands baptism performed by the representative of mankind, John the Baptist just as He had shown us in the Sacrificial Law and Aaronic priesthood in the Book of Leviticus in great detail. (Leviticus 16:21, 34). And just as God is faithful, in that moment, in that very instance, John the Baptist did indeed lay his hands on the head of Jesus passing all our sins onto Him and submerged Him in the waters of the Jordan River! Hallelujah! When Jesus came up from the water, all righteousness had now been fulfilled in strict accordance to the Scriptures and the will of God the Father in Heaven! That's why a voice from Heaven was heard, saying, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased!" (Matthew 3:15-17).
This righteous act of Jesus being baptized to receive all our sins upon Himself was the first one of three righteous acts of salvation. The second one being that now Jesus had to carry all those sins of ours to the Cross and shed His lifeblood to atone for them also in accordance to the Scriptures and Sacrificial Law. This He did, and let us know with His last breath that, "It is finished!" Meaning, that by His water, (His baptism from John), His blood, (His death on the Cross), and His resurrection from the dead to follow after three days, He had perfectly saved every human being from Adam to the last baby to be born, from every single sin we have committed, do commit, and will ever commit in the future! How truly awesome is this? Can there be any other Good News greater than this? Never! And all God requires from us is our belief in all the three righteous acts of His Son which saved us all (1John 5:6-8).
So, we must be honest about who we truly are by reflecting ourselves on the mirror of God’s Holy Laws (Romans 3:20). We must be humble. We must become poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3). And then, with thankful hearts, we must believe Jesus' righteousness and with our mouths we must confess our faith in His salvation for us and thereby be made God's own sinless child!
Romans 10:10
"For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
What more could you ask for? What more are you waiting for?
Be wise! Choose life!
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.
To read more about the true gospel of the water and the Spirit explained above, please visit www.bjnewlife.org and also start downloading the 67 FREE Christian ebooks and/or audiobooks confirming all the Words of truth in them, with your Bible.
God bless you.