Hello everyone today I would like to share with you a sermon on how you can receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit based on the word of God. Today people are desperate to receive the Holy Spirit it’s so sad that end up receiving demons instead. There`s only one way for us to receive the Holy Spirit and that is by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in the heart of sinners. He can only dwell where there`s no sin. He`s holy, holy means He`s apart from sin. He`s separated from sin, as such He cannot dwell in the heart of sinners. We can open our Bible which is the word of God, if you go to Genesis chapter 11 verse 2 it says Genesis Genesis 1:2 “The Earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” verse three says “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.” This means that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the face of the face of the deep the Holy Spirit could not enter the heart of men because the Earth was without form and void it means in the heart of men were lodged sins, sins were lodged deep in the heart of men so because sins were lodged deep in the heart of men the Holy Spirit could not enter their heart. The Holy Spirit was hovering over the face of the waters, it is when God said let there be light there was light. It was only when light came that Holy Spirit can come and dwell in the heart of men.
Where there is darkness of sin the Holy Spirit cannot dwell there, this means the Holy Spirit comes into the heart of those who have received the remission of their sins. He cannot dwell in the heart of sinners, He cannot come in the heart of Sinners. He only comes and dwells in the heart of the righteous who receive the remission of their sins by believing in the gospel of Jesus`s baptism and bloodshed on the Cross, we can also open our Bible and see how we can receive the Holy Spirit, let us go to Acts chapter 2 verse 38 Acts 2:38 it says “Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Here apostle Peter is explaining to us that we must first receive the remission of our sins before we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. It`s not true that the sinner will receive the Holy Spirit. If a sinner goes into a stream or river and receive water baptism can he receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and and remission of sins? No. Here to baptize in the name of Jesus Christ means that we receive the remission of our sins by believing that Jesus Christ has accepted our sins with His baptism: we receive the water baptism after believing this truth, our water baptism is a sign that we have already believed in the baptism of Jesus Christ, it`s an outward sign of our faith: outward sign of our inward faith. So a sinner literally going to a stream to receive water baptism that does not mean he receives remission of sins nor does it mean he’ll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. No. We must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, we must receive the baptism that Jesus Christ received from hands of
John the Baptist at the Jordan River through which our sins were were passed onto His body and believe in the blood He shed on the cross through which He received judgment of our sins on our behalf.
That when we believe in this truth of Jesus`s baptism and His bloodshed, the Holy Spirit will come into our hearts. Jesus told the woman of Samaria the Samaritan woman that the water I`m going to give you will spring up like a fountain into everlasting life springing like a river springing up into everlasting life, it means that the living water of the Holy Spirit will flow in our heart when we believe in the gospel of the water the Spirit. The Spirit dwells in our
hearts the Holy Spirit is not someone that can come and go at our own disposal: at our command people say “Come through the window and go through the door.” No. Holy Spirit is not someone we can command like that. Someone told me that he shouted “Holy Ghost!” and he saw fire out of his own mouth, but that cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. we see people falling on the floor breaking their church chairs some getting injured in the process of falling on concrete floor such a work cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works within the word of God He does not work in such a way He shows respect for human personality it`s not someone that can drag people down and make them roll on the floor. The Holy Spirit comes where there`s no sin our hearts, when we receive the remission of our sin He comes into our hearts and He will give us joy and peace and eternal life when you see, turn to Acts 3:19 it says “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” We receive the time of refreshing: the time when there`s no sin in our hearts, the time when we have peace and joy in our hearts. We receive Him when we believe in the baptism of Jesus Christ and have our sins blotted out of our hearts because the Holy Spirit will now dwell in our hearts we will have peace and joy in our hearts. It`s the only gospel that can give us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus commanded the apostles to wait on the day of Pentecost to receive the Holy Spirit that was a a special period. They believe in the gospel already He told them to wait on that day. Now, when we believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit we receive the Holy Spirit at the same time. We do not need to wait for one year, we do not need to go for a prayer retreat in the mountain or to fast for 40 days and 40 nights. No. When we receive the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and Spirit, at the same time we receive the Holy Spirit. So what do you believe in? Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed in the gospel, you believed in?
Apostle Paul asked Ephesian disciples the same question. Did you receive the Holy Spirit
when you believed? They answer ‘We do not know about the Holy Spirit, we have not heard about it before. What is the Holy Spirit?’ Paul asked them "Into what then were you baptized?” They said “Into John`s baptism.” the Ephesian disciples were baptized into John`s baptism but Paul said “As many of you that were baptizing into Christ have put on Christ” This Ephesian disciples were baptized into John`s Baptist not into Jesus`s baptism. John gave two type of two types of baptism first he gave the people of Israel baptism of repentance to turn their heart back to God. They were following idols, John baptizing them to abandon their idolatry and return to true Jehovah God and John also gave another baptism, that one, he gave it to Jesus Christ that is the baptism through which John passed the sins of the whole world onto the head of Jesus Christ just like Aaron and the High Priest of Old Testament laid their hands on the head of the sacrificial animal and passed the yearly sins of the people of Israel the head of that animal. John was the representative of mankind and the last High Priest he laid his two hands on the head of Jesus Christ passing our sins onto his body and Jesus took those sins to the Cross and died receiving judgment for our sins.
They replied, Ephesian disciples replied to Paul saying “Into John`s baptism.” They only believed and have knowledge of John`s baptism they don`t believe in the baptism that John gave to Jesus Christ. The baptism John gave to Jesus Christ is different from the baptism he gave to the people of Israelites because Jesus Christ is God Himself, He cannot receive the same baptism the people of Israelites received because He was sinless He never committed any sin. The people of Israel were baptized while confessing their sins they confessed their sin to John the Baptist and John would baptize them.
Jesus had no sin to confess, so when Jesus was coming to be baptized John tried to prevent him saying “I need to be baptized by you are You coming to me?” Jesus commanded him to “Permit it to be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” He was baptized to wash away the sins of the whole world, to give us the righteousness of God to perfect us and make us sinless it is fair to God to do that: to remit remit all our sins to blot them all away. It’s through the baptism that Jesus washed away our sins. The Ephesian disciples did not believe in this, so Paul explained the gospel of the water and the Spirit to them and they believed in it. Paul laid his hands on their heads and they received the Holy Spirit. That does not mean a servant of God must lay hands on the believer before he received the remission of sins. No. These disciples they were able to receive the remission of their sins because they believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit after Paul explained it to them. If Paul has explained to them the gospel of the water and the Spirit and they refused to believe in it or they didn`t believe in in it then even if Paul laid his hand on their head they couldn`t have received the Holy Spirit. Just like Apostles and disciples already believed in the baptism and blood of Jesus Christ and the Lord told them to wait on the death of Pentecost to receive the Holy Spirit and on that day they were able to receive the Holy Spirit because they already believed in the baptism and blood of Jesus Christ.
Like this, people receive the Holy Spirit not because they go for a prayer retreat not because they do 40 nights pray fasting and fasting and prayers. No. it’s because they believe in the baptism of Jesus Christ and His blood: the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Jesus told Nicodemus “Unless one is born of the water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God,” so being born of the water and Spirit is the only way we can enter the kingdom of God there`s no other way. The water here means the baptism that Jesus received from the hands of John the Baptist in the Jordan River when He turned 30 years through which our sins were passed onto his body the Spirit here means that Jesus is God himself who Ccame in the flesh of man He`s the King of kings and the Son of God who came in this world with the flesh of a man being conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, Virgin Mary. He received our sins by receiving baptism from John the Baptist and paid the price by dying on the Cross. This is the only way we can receive the remission of our sins. In first John 5 verse 5 to 8 Bible says that Jesus came not only by blood He came by water and blood and the Spirit. The water there is the baptism of Jesus Christ the blood means the death on the Cross. Jesus receive our sins onto his body and paid the price with His blood on the Cross.
Today people believe in the blood alone they are throwing away the water whereas Bible said Jesus came by water and blood. People believe only in blood and throw away water that`s not the correct faith. It`s not the faith that can give us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the true faith is what can give us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that is the faith of believing in the baptism
and bloodshed of Jesus Christ. If we believe in this we receive the remission of our sin and from then the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts and dwells forever.
Do you believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit? Do you receive the remission of sins? Do you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? We are also asking you the same question that Apostle Paul asked the Ephesian disciples, we’re asking the whole world, the Mainstream Christians. Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? We`re explaining to you the gospel of the water and the Spirit that you can receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit after believing in it and that you must believe that you were baptized into Christ you must believe in the baptism of Jesus Christ through which He received your sins on His body and then you receive the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spiri. You can receive, you can receive the Holy Spirit today you can receive the remission of your sins today as well where if you just believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit that we are preaching to you. We have the book “The fail-safe way for you to receive the Holy Spirit” by Paul C. Jong this book will lead you to the gospel of the water and the Spirit so you will learn from the word of God how you can receive the Holy Spirit. Don`t allow demon to torment you don`t allow demon to deceive you. Don`t receive demon instead of the Holy Spirit. “The fail-safe way for you to receive the Holy Spirit” by Paul C. Jong this book is available on the internet if you go to The New Life Mission website you receive this book for free you can learn more about the gospel of the water and the Spirit by reading this book you`ll meet the gospel of the water and the spirit and you believe in it and you’ll receive the remission of your sins and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the times of refreshing will come from the presence of the Lord you will see the peace and joy that comes with the faith in the gospel of the water and Spirit that comes with the remission of sins by reading this book today.
It’s the time to receive the remission of your sins, the moment for the times of refreshing to come from the presence of the Lord. The gospel of the water and the Spirit is not something formed by man. No. It`s the gospel that Jesus Christ taught to His disciples. When Nicodemus came to Jesus, Jesus personally taught it to Nicodemus unless one is born of the water and the Spirit he can enter the kingdom of God that is the only way we can enter the kingdom of God, it`s the only way we can receive the remission of our sins, it`s the only way we can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. “The fail-safe way for you to receive the Holy Spirit” is a free gift you can get to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit it`s a handbook on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This book explains step by step based on the word of God how you can receive the Holy Spirit so you will never be deceived by demons again you will never be deceived by false prophet again performing false miracles. I hope you receive remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit so that you share this gospel with others they’ll also receive the Holy Spirit alongside with you, your family will receive it as well when they share and believe in this gospel of the water and the Spirit that we are preaching.
This sermon was transcribed from a YouTube video, listen to this sermon on YouTube by clicking on this link below.