For everyone, life on this earth is too short. Just as the sun rises and falls everyday, the short journey of our lives ends too quickly, fruitless and meaningless, as if we had been running like a squirrel on a treadmill.
If you subtract the trivial rounds of your daily life, such times spent while sleeping, eating, going to washrooms, and doing other such mundane things, from your whole life span, you are actually left with very little time. While you see the things that you had already seen since your birth, and while you meet the people whom you had already met before, your hair has turned all gray, and all of a sudden you find yourself facing your own end.
Therefore, we must meet the Lord who has come to us through the water and the Spirit, believe in Him, and thus receive the remission of all our sins.
The Lord came to this earth to save all the sinners from all their sins by taking all such sins of mankind onto Himself when He was baptized by John. Having thus received our sins at His baptism, Jesus Himself was then crucified on the Cross in our place, was judged for all our sins, rose from the dead again, and became the Lord of eternal salvation for those who believe.