Dear Heavenly Father, I plead that you may continue to comforting me in Thy words O LORD, I am full of insufficiencies and shortcomings but You O LORD You took them all on that single baptism received from John the baptist, faced a terrible death for them and shed Thy blood as you received Judgement on my behalf, and You thereby rose again on the third day to give newness of life, that eternal life in the Spirit as a righteous person now. I sincerely give my thanksgiving for Your eternal Redemption from all my sins through Your Love towards me and all mankind. My Heavenly Father!!! Let my trying moments be ones to bring me even closer to You Alone, and to grow in faith as You protect it my Father, Please teach and guide me to doing Your will as You so desire my Father!!! Even in season and out of season, evenso, I pray that my testing may not exceed the ability You have given me to overcome them through the help of the Holy Spirit. Help me to continue believing that You are with me until to the end O LORD. Protect me from All danger and my enemies even as I am in this trying moment O LORD, I ask all this in the Mighty Name of our LORD Jesus Christ, may His peace, Grace and Honour remain be rendered back to Him now and forever more Amen.