Have you ever passed all your sins over onto Jesus?
I have no doubt that you believe in the blood of the Cross. But the question is whether or not you have ever passed all your sins over onto Jesus Christ through faith in the Word of His baptism.
Although you clearly believe that Jesus was crucified, resurrected and ascended to Heaven, you will still have all your sins intact in your hearts if you just believe in the blood that Jesus shed.
We were all born as inherent sinners who`s hearts were disobedient to God from the beginning. We, who were born as fleshly beings cannot keep God`s holy laws and as such were all destined to be judged by Him in hell unless we transfer all our sins onto Jesus by faith in His baptism.
We must therefore believe that Jesus came to this world and took all our sins upon His own sacrificial body through the baptism He received from the high priest John the Baptist (Matthew 3:13-17).
John performed `the laying on of hands` baptism on Jesus to transfer the worlds sins onto the lamb of God, in like manner to how the the high priest Aaron transfered the sins of the Israelites onto the sacrificial animal on the day of atonement (Leviticus 16:21).