The word Bible originated from the Greek word 'Biblos' which means the The book. This book was not being written by the fresh mind of the man. God used Forty (40) prophets to write the Bible through the holy ghost (Hebrew 1:1-2), (2Timothy 3:16)
The Holy Bible passed over thirty centuries in storms and any other difficult time but it succeeded to exist till today this confirms that God is the author of it.
Many enemies of the Bible who tried to banish it already slumbered in death this proofs that God is the author of it.
The Bible is only book which reached in many world countries and translated into many languages approximately over 438 languages this proofs that God is the author of it.
The archeologists do not contradict with what the fact which was being written in the Bible this also proofs that God is the author of it.
The whole Bible was being written in 1800 years. The old Testament was being written in 1700 years while the New testament was being written in 100 years.
The first Bible was being written in three languages I mean the Hebrew, The Aramaic and the Greek. In the long long time ago (BC) the old testament was being written in Hebrew and Aramaic language. It was right to left writings. The long long time ago (AD) the New testament was being written in Greek.
The old testament consists 39 books while the New testament consists 27 books and giving the common total of 66 books. The book of Job is being proven to be the First book and Revelation is the last book. The first five books in the old testament known as Pentateuch it is proven to be written by prophet Moses , I mean the book of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and the Judges. These books were very important for the Jews. They called them TORAH because the books consisted the laws from God that guided them in their daily life circumstances.
The benefits of the careful Bible students
1. The Bible will guide them to have good thoughts or ideas to perform their daily life activities because the Bible is the foundation of ideas.
2. The Bible is only book which will give them hope and peace in any life circumstances.
3. The Bible will shape them to do moral things such as not to hurt anybody, no harsh languages, no robbery, injustice, no corruption etc
4. The Bible will enable them to gain abundant knowledge for the Divine plan of the ages and abundant wisdom from God through the inspired prophets.
5. The Bible gives opportunity for everlasting life.
Central theme of the Bible to man kind
Genesis. Revelation | |
•First creation 2:7. •Restoration creation 21:3,4,24 | |
• Satan & evil enter • Satan destroyed 20:10 3:1-4 | |
• Curse on Adam & • No more curse 22:3 Eve 3:16,17 | |
• Death penalty 2:17. • Life for all 22:17 |