再者, 我们要利用我们的人脉,把水和圣灵的福音传播给我们身边认识的每个人。
还有, 我们可以在景区或人流量大的地方去分发我们的传单或书籍。
With the progress of the times and the development of the Internet, together with the increase of the cost and pressure of life, people pay more attention to secular life and pursue entertainment and economic benefits. It is difficult for people to read and accept God's word quietly and calmly. Therefore, we need to spread God's word more patiently. We need to use every opportunity to explain and analyze the truth in the Bible and distribute our e-books and printed books of Gospel and the Spirit to the readers. If they encounter difficulties and doubts in reading, we should take time to explain and solve their doubts.
What if we can spread the word of God and distribute the books of Water and the Spirit?
First of all, we need to use the Internet, which is the most advanced tool God has given us to preach. We can make use of social platforms such as Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to present our own voice, so that more people can enjoy Gospel of Water and the Spirit.
Moreover, we should use our contacts to spread the gospel of water and the Holy Spirit to everyone around us.
Also, we can distribute our leaflets or books in scenic spots or places with large traffic.
Friends, do you have a better way? Let's talk together.