It is no coincidence that just as water is the source of all physical life, so likewise water is the source of all spiritual life. It is the water of Jesus that has brought new, sinless and eternal spiritual life to all mankind. (John 3:5)
Jesus came to this world by water and blood to save us from our sins, as God's Law states that the wages of sin is death. And as we humans were born with 12 kinds of sins in our hearts, we were born, heading to and deserving of hell. (Psalm 51:5, Mark 7:20-23, Romans 6:23) But because God loves us who were born sinners so much, it was in His plan of salvation to save us once and for all through the righteous work of His water (baptism), blood (subsequent death on the Cross) and Spirit (His resurrection). (Genesis 3:21, Numbers 21:9, John 3:16)
No one but God could save us. And so God Himself was incarnated in the flesh of Man, to receive all our sins onto Himself by the laying on of hands baptism from John the Baptist. (Leviticus 16:21, Isaiah 34:16, Matthew 3:15-17)
The baptism of Jesus that fulfilled all righteousness, led to Him being judged to death instead of us, and His precious blood shed on the Cross paid the wages for all of our sins and the punishment for them in our place.
After obeying God’s will to save us had been fulfilled in strict accordance to the Scriptures, Jesus cried out on the Cross, "It is finished!" (John 19:30, 34) Hallelujah! Now, Jesus could be resurrected from the dead after three days!
This perfect love and salvation from God, began FIRST with His water; His baptism from John the Baptist in the Jordan River. SECONDLY, this led to His blood shed on the Cross; the result of being judged to death for our sins that He had shouldered. And THIRDLY, the power of the Spirit; Jesus was God, and He resurrected from the dead after three days.
All of these THREE righteous acts of Jesus Christ are essential for us to believe in to be saved and attain eternal life in Heaven.
Therefore, just as you will die if you deny water for yourself whilst living in this world, so likewise you will die if you deny Jesus' water of His baptism for yourself whilst living in this world. The former death is the mere cessation of one's heart beat that results in one being buried or cremated until Judgement Day. But the latter death is the spiritual death that results in one being sent to hell for eternity on Judgement Day!
Do you want to live forever with God in Heaven? If you do, you must believe in the water of Jesus' baptism together with His blood He shed on the Cross, and then the Holy Spirit will bear witness to this Truth in your heart and before God. And God, who is Holy and has no part with sin, will then approve your correct faith in His testimony of His Son that has blotted out all your sins, and He will accept you as His own sinless child who is now blessed to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to serve God and receive the heavenly blessings whilst living in this world. And all who are truly born again by believing in the gospel of water whilst living in this world, are now able to live with God forever in the Millennial Kingdom and Heaven!
Do you now see how vitally important it is for you to believe in the water of Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist? (John 1:29)
I pray to God that you do!