God intended humans to live with God. And He wanted to share love with humans and to be praised by them. This is God’s purpose for creating humans in His own image, so that they could eventually become the children of God by being delivered from all their sins through the gospel of the water and the Spirit (John 3:5). Apart from other creatures, God created humans uniquely in His image for this purpose. We realize that God has created us in His image to adopt us as His children, because if we were to live our lives without any meaning, we would lead worse lives than animals (Psalm 49:20). Every human being loves eternal life, which belongs only to God. God has given every human being the yearning for eternal life (Ecclesiastes 3:11). And God has given His eternal Kingdom to those who have received the remission of all sin. As God lives for eternity, we are also beings that exist for eternity. Hence, when a person dies, his spirit goes upward to God to be judged by Him (Ecclesiastes 3:21). That is why we only need to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit while we are living in this world. God was determined to send His Son to blot out all the sins of the entire humanity once for all by having Jesus receive baptism from John the baptist to shoulder our sins on His own body, shed His own blood on the cross & die to atone for our sins and rise again. Therefore, to those who believe in this salvation of the water, blood and Spirit of Jesus, God has sealed them as His children (1John 5:6-8)
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