Many Christians today are trying to receive the remission of sins into their hearts by believing in the crucified Jesus alone.
This is why their sins remain in their hearts constantly and their consciences can never shake off the guilt of sin and damnation (Romans 6:23).
Even though they believe in Jesus unwaveringly, they are still living in this world as sinners despite the fact that Jesus completed our salvation over 2000 years ago by coming by water, blood and the Spirit (1John 5:6-8).
It is such a regrettable thing that these Christians remain in their sinful state for not believing in the baptism of the Lord that fulfilled all righteousness to wash away all their sins according to the Scriptures (John 1:29).
So let us all answer God`s love now by placing our faith in truth that when John the baptist layed his hands on Jesus in the Jordan River, the sin of the world was transferred over to Jesus just like how the sacrifices of the Old Testament received the Israelites sins through the laying on of the High Priests hands on the day of Atonement
(Leviticus 16:21= Matthew 3:13-15).
And let us know understand that the sacrifice He offered with His blood on the cross was to atone for all those sins that He had received at His baptism and let us receive the washing away of all our sins through this faith and praise God alone.